Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Facebook Revolution

Where did this come from? Facebook has swept into my life, and the lives of many others, where other social network websites have failed (eg Bebo).

I don’t even remember how I got started now. I think it was through a friend who emailed me the suggestion that I join facebook. All of a sudden I’m finding friends and friends are finding me, I’m hooked.

Within weeks I’ve somehow gathered nearly 70 friends from a variety of backgrounds (eg school, church, footy).

For a little while I was addicted to searching for friends in other’s friend lists. It became a maze of friends of friends of friends of friends. I’ve largely forgotten who I’ve asked to be my friend and have a decision pending. I’ve weened off that practice though and have moved on to checking out some of the fun applications they have as part of your profile. There are so many applications, thousands in fact. Some seem ridiculous while other seem like they might be good. Unfortunately you can't really tell until you give it a go.

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