The Ghost
by Robert Harris
by Robert Harris
I acquired this book after seeing the trailer for the movie on which it is based. Thought it might be interesting to read a book followed closely by the movie. It would be a first for me, to be able to critique both is such quick succession. After all it is usually stated, “the book is always better”.
The Ghost is a suspense thriller. It captures an essence of truth, hence making it very believable despite being fiction. It follows the events of an author who agreed to ghost write for a controversial recently dumped British prime minister caught up in a war crimes case against him for matters relating to the war on terror.
I felt captivated by the book, it was one I found difficult to put down. Even in some apparent boring bits there was a twist around the corner. There were twists everywhere and I doubt you will pick the final twist.
Perhaps my expectations of the movie were too high after the book. Others will probably tell me that it happens with every movie that comes from a book. Plus it didn’t help that I knew the ending that was straight out of left field.
A great performance from Ewan McGregor and Pierce Brosnan, and an impressive British accent from Kim Cattrell.
Roman Polanski chose a great setting that captured the mood magnificently. It was bleak yet picturesque.
So choose the order you like, book then movie or movie then book. Both are worth checking out.