Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rejoice & Be Consistent

The Labor Party still wants to push for an ETS after the debacle of their own doing in introducing a carbon tax.  After being smashed in the polls largely due to this issue.

They still refer to "the science" being right despite "scientists" telling us opposite things.  So who knows whats true anymore?  Genuine debate has been thrown out, allowing emotive types to bleat about doing whats good for our children.

One thing is for sure, if you want an ETS to punish big polluters then you ought to rejoice when they go out of business.  Instead Labor has a culture of bailing out industries such as manufacturing.  This is an attempt to keep people in work.  This is despite their lack of competitiveness in the marketplace.  Labor governments have continually propped up failing enterprises that are big polluters.

The loss of jobs should pale into insignificance if your goal is to punish big polluters.  Punish them out of business.  That's success!  Loss of jobs is merely collateral damage in this "principled" venture.