Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Self Interviewer

Everyone will get a chance to see this in action. Next time Kevin Rudd is in an interview look out for him asking himself some questions. Of course he has all the answers to these questions, as he doesn’t tend to challenge himself with his questioning. Usually yes/no questions that are meant to clarify his position on issues put to him by the media.

He's so good at it that here is an 'interview' conducted on the 7.30 Report. Sure it's edited but you still see how he asks himself so many questions. Kerry O'Brien is in there somewhere.

Apparently he is avoiding being interviewed by broadcasters Alan Jones and Ray Hadley. Who needs them when you can ask your own questioning? However, if you can’t hack some hard questions from broadcasters then I how well does he expect he will cope in the top job. The polls might suggest that everyone likes him but situations can change very quickly.

Think of how much John Howard had copped over the last few years. The polls were once high for him as well.


Daniel said...

Hey tim. It seems as though your observations of Mr Rudd are all on him personally. What policies of his don't you like? Why should we vote for John Howard instead?

Tim Haynes said...

This post is about him personally, a few points in response:

1. It's a decent amount of time before the election to post about policies. I'll check out the details and see if I'm inspired to post. I was hoping Dr H to be informative on this as well.

2. A lot of people vote on the personality and not policies. This can be a good and bad way to judge a person worthy of the top job in Australia.

3. I'm having a go at his personality because I think he's being gutless by avoiding some tough questions from Sydney's top broadcasters (Alan Jones & Ray Hadley on 2GB). He hasn't been placed in the position where he has had to make an unpopular decision that affected the citizens of Australia. Is he going to avoid questions altogether if that happens, or is he just going to ask his own.

4. John Howard never runs away from a fight and better still he has made decisions and stood by those decisions. Some haven't been popular but a lot of gone a long way to creating the prosperous nation we live in.

5. Every time Kevin Rudd has had to face some questioning on moments in his past that have come back to bite (Brian Burke, Scores Strip Joint) he has deflected blame to others while trying to keep "the buck stops with me" facade. Excuses like his staff didn't forward the email or I had had too much to drink and don't remember. Lame excuses from a lame character.

So I might leave the policy talk to my brother because I know what sort of character I want running the country.

Anonymous said...

ahh bugger the little nerdy prick
