Monday, July 20, 2009

A Real Stimulus

I received my group certificate and immediately reflected on the post by Dr H titled “Government Stimulus Impossible”. Referring of course to the stimulus packages that aim to reverse the effects of the global financial crisis (GFC) in Australia.

Dr H uses economically sound logic to explain why these stimulus packages won’t work and why their effect on the GFC will be negligible at best.

I have felt that the stimulus packages are more of a vote grab. Our selfish materialistic culture falls for the bait and sees only dollar signs while failing to see the bigger picture or the long-term outlook.

Inspect your own group certificate. Mine said that I was paid $55,000 gross and was taxed $11,000. Yet Rudd gives me $900 and expects me to be happy and go on a spending spree. How about cutting the taxes altogether, stop stealing my hard earned for useless spending sprees. It might win votes but will most likely have no effect on the GFC whatsoever.

Make some tough decisions instead of popular ones: cut taxes, cut spending, cut regulation.

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