Saturday, November 14, 2009

More Than A Carpenter

“More Than A Carpenter” by Josh McDowell

This is a popular book, the cover says so, “more than 10,000,000 in print worldwide”. It is easy to see why. Firstly it is small and thin and therefore not intimidating to the targeted audience, non-Christians and sceptics. It is also good for Christians to read, as it will provide some good answers to common questions they may face.

It is an easy read. Some other books I have read go more in-depth on similar topics. ‘The Christ Files’ by John Dickson covers the historical Jesus specifically and ‘The Case For Christ’ by Lee Strobel is the same sort of book as McDowell’s but would be harder to read for new Christians.

McDowell prior to writing this book found himself at a point where he couldn’t fault Christianity’s legitimacy and truth, but yet could accept it intellectually.

I can relate to this as for many years in my late teens I was attending church but didn’t really now why. Going to church became a routine, merely something that was done on a Sunday. I am a late bloomer as a result. By reading this book and the others mentioned and now reading the bible cover to cover things are locking into place.

I found this book very handy recently as it fits in my side pocket in my uniform and have pulled it out occasionally when stuck in bed block, usually at Westmead. I find it hard to read anything too heavy when on the job so this is perfect. Who knows, someone might se it and engage in conversation.

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