Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The New Sherlock

Sherlock Holmes, the character made popular by the genius writing of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, has now been reinvigorated. Imagine the same eccentric character placed in modern day London and you have the clever crime thriller aptly titled “Sherlock”.

This show definitely does the character justice in how it portrays Sherlock’s obsession for detail. The finer details that no one with a normal mind is able to see.

Brilliant casting as well for not just Sherlock (Benedict Cumberbatch) but his bland offsider, Dr John Watson (Martin Freeman). Even his landlord, Mrs Hudson (Una Stubbs) steals the odd scene.

Truly a brilliant show!!

It’s a shame though that they could only make three 2-hour episodes for the first season. Although even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle found it difficult to maintain the genius. The ending of the first season has me hanging out for season two.

1 comment:

Meaghan said...

Sounds great! Ha ha - can you believe the same guy who plays Watson is going to be Bilbo Baggins? Hopefully a great transformer of characters.

Will have to watch some :)