Saturday, March 12, 2011

The GFC Storm

by Lenore Taylor and David Uren

This book is a narrative of the events surrounding the global financial crisis (GFC) and the Labor government’s response. It gives background to the GFC that most wouldn’t have known or thought about. Those closely involved with the response such as Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan were interviewed and provide tremendous insight into what they had to deal with and why they did it.

It’s not a commentary or an opinion piece. It does not offer much in the way of rebuttal, which would comprise another entire book. Although there are moments where either the author or ministers involved acknowledged that they could have done things better in hindsight. There is still a definite lack of serious critique on what took place.

Whatever your thoughts are of their justification for responding a certain way, it must be acknowledged that the situation was potentially very serious for our nation. This might be good introductory reading if interested in exploring the effects of the GFC. Ironically soon after the publication of this book the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, was ousted by his deputy, Julia Gillard. His handling of the GFC being sighted as a reason.

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