Thursday, August 04, 2011


“The Rage Against God”
by Peter Hitchens

Peter is the brother of well-known atheist/journalist/author, Christopher Hitchens. He is a pure example of how intelligent humans can grow into a faith in God. Despite the assertions of his brother to the contrary.

Understanding his background, outlined in the book, is to understand how he became an atheist in the first place. He had many examples of people in authority, some in his church based boarding school, misuse the trust vested in them. Once trust was broken it was almost impossible to regain. But of course it wasn’t God that broke trust, but mere humans.

Peter spent much of his working life in the former USSR. He uses it as a case study into atheistic political regimes. His first hand knowledge and experience is a huge eye opener. Atheists would try to dismiss his assertions on the USSR. History shows that these totalitarian regimes committed atrocities much worse than anything in Christian history. To a large degree their driving force in committing these atrocities was their passionate purging of everything Christian.

Peter surely had to overcome much to accept Jesus Christ as God. It makes his story interesting and inspirational.

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