Saturday, September 22, 2012

Popcorn Lungs

A random piece of ridiculousness was witnessed on an American breakfast program.  It was the ultimate display of refusing to take responsibility for ones actions.

A man engorged himself on microwave popcorn day after day, year after year.  He ate so much popcorn that he developed a new lung condition nicknamed “popcorn lung”.  It will eventually take his life.

Instead of accepting his fate as completely his own doing he did what some Americans seem to do best, he sued the manufacturer and the retailer.

Apparently it was the manufacturer and retailer’s responsibility to inform this man that eating that much microwave popcorn was not a good idea.  The way the world is these days common sense wasn’t as common as it should have been and he won a massive $7million.

The man is declaring that he will give most to charity.  This does not make him a generous man as he has robbed two businesses of money that belongs to them.

Such behaviour needs to be declared abhorrent whenever it appears.  It needs to be stamped out of society.  Responsibility needs to be taken for your own choices.

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