Monday, December 10, 2012

Our Turn

Further to my post on charities crying poor. 
I received a letter from a charity I support regarding their government grant being cut.  The shortfall in their budget meant that 1 in 4 children could not be assisted by their programs.  This of course is a shame.  But neither individuals, nor organisations, nor corporations ought to become dependent on government handouts.  Their government assistance was called a grant, but it may as well have been called welfare.
It points to the sad truth that our generosity has declined as our government dependence has increased.  This situation was portrayed as a travesty of compassion.  Instead it could be the best thing to happen to the charity.  There will be a financial shortfall, but if their service is considered necessary then the community will step up and contribute greater than the government ever would. 
The financial hole for charities isn’t for the government to fill.  It’s a reality check to us as a community.  It’s our turn to step up.

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