Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Feminism Has Worked

It’s time to tone down the ‘girl power’ attitude.  The ‘I am woman hear me roar’ cry
Feminism has accomplished many great things in advancing the cause of women.  Women now have more choice than ever before.  The problem is that if a woman makes a choice that doesn’t align with the militant feminists, then that woman is ridiculed.
The earnings differential between men and women is a major cause of angst amongst the militant feminists.  In pushing for wage equality they ignore the free choices women make in being homemakers or employed in lower paid occupations such as teaching and nursing.  Women in these occupations do so largely by choice and those that choose this path generally get where they want to go career wise.
The militant feminists are in the minority yet they are the most vocal.  They shouldn’t be allowed to misrepresent their sex in this fashion.  They don’t stand up for the ‘rights’ of women.  If they did they would celebrate women having the freedom to make a choice that was deemed in their best interests.
Instead they insult women for not making the same choice as them. 

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