Thursday, August 01, 2013

Rudd On Bolt

I’ll give Prime Minister Rudd some credit, not many Labor MP’s are willing to go on The Bolt Report.  He wanted an immediate point of difference to Julia Gillard.  She was unwilling to appear and Rudd was.  Already a win for Rudd, and he hasn’t said anything yet.
From what he said his supporters would congratulate.  Purely because he didn’t allow Bolt to land any ‘killer blows’.
Yet from the beginning Rudd belittled Bolt as “a conservative”, as if that was a bad thing to be.  He interrupted continually, answered long-windedly and robbed Bolt of points of clarification and follow up questions.
His answers seemed rehearsed.  As did his claim that his ad nauseum responses were “a direct answer” to the questions.  He was condescending, patronising and narcissistic.
Rudd admitted that he needed to engage with conservatives then insulted the Liberal Party by calling them an “ungodly kabal”.
Yet unfortunately it doesn’t really matter what we think of his performance.  He appeared, and to enough people that’s all that matters.

1 comment:

LB said...

Doesn't matter much now...