Sunday, April 30, 2006

Quest for a job

Not just any job but the job that will keep me satisfied for many years. Is it just wishful thinking?? I spent 5 years at university to get into what I thought was going to be the career job for me. Now, when I am asked in an interview, “Why do you want to be a teacher?” My mind shrivels up and is void of all thoughts to answer that questiontruthfully. I was able to come up with something better than, “I don’t know” just so I didn’t look like a complete dill, but it certainly didn’t come from the heart. You wouldn’t be surprised that I didn’t get the job from that interview.

I have recently been accepted as a trainee Patient Transport Officer (PTO) with the Ambulance Service of NSW. I’m proud of this as the process is very involved and competitive. However in the back of my mind I can’t help thinking about whether I can make a career out of it, because at the moment I’m not sure whether I can be a full on paramedic, the obvious continuation from PTO. I usually turn away at most things involving large amounts blood, which is what a paramedic might see frequently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Hammer,

Well done on getting the job as a PTO. I guess you can ride with it for a while and see if it grabs you, and if it doesn't, start looking again.

Let me know if there are any job opportunities for a psych graduate while you're there.