Saturday, September 23, 2006

An Attitude Problem

I caught myself eavesdropping today while waiting in line for a haircut. I overheard a bloke in a rather one-way conversation with the barber talking about how dull and boring AFL was, in particular the Swans v Dockers game the previous night. He also decided to be original and comment on the tight shorts (that haven’t been tight since the eighties by the way).

“They just kick the ball,” he said. “Then a pack of 5 blokes jump up and try to catch it,” he continued. Others would argue that all games are based on simple objectives and that is what makes them great, for example:
  • Rugby League – placing the ball across a line
  • Soccer – kicking a ball through a rectangle
  • Basketball – bouncing a ball and trying to get it into a little hoop

As for being dull and boring, well we can apply that cynical and negative comment to all sports as well if we so felt like it. But that’s just plain immature. I know, because I did just that when I was young and immature.

It really gets to me sometimes hearing people bag another person’s sport. Not just when it is my own sport in the firing line. Perhaps I take it too personally because I’m an AFL nut. But on the flipside I’m not going to bag out a League fan for example. I wouldn’t even bag out Soccer, although I have gone close. Maybe this gentleman is paying AFL the ultimate compliment because he feels the need to bring it down to make himself feel good.


Anonymous said...

I'm just lucky that most people don't consider motor racing a sport, so none of this applies ;-)

Anonymous said...

Onya for hanging your beliefs on your sleeve Hammer! I reckon that guy who was hacking on footy was just bitter because his team, presumably from Sydney had another ordinary season and lots of people are jumping on the Swans bandwagon.

Your blog looks great by the way... Go the Swannies!