Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I was chatting to a few DINKs over the weekend, that is Double Income No Kids. The topic of conversation was real estate, the issues were:
  • Rental prices going up when residing in the property
  • The actual price being much higher than the advertised price
  • Finding a suitable place
I suggested purchasing a property as their prices are coming down at the moment and with two incomes it should be easier to get finance and then easier to pay off the mortgage. That is depending on where you start in the market.

Yet purchasing has not even been considered by these DINKs. This surprised me, as I would have thought that if ever there were a time to have some stability in your living arrangements it would be when you are newly married and starting a family.


Anonymous said...

god how i hate them, they are a parasite amongst society. they dont want to buy a house because they want to pop pills and be yuppies and even with two incomes they cant afford to do all that and live in the inner city in one of those cramped up terrace houses if they want to own the house. :D


Tim Haynes said...

Bit harsh I think Cuz.

Maybe they are like that where you come from:)