Thursday, January 31, 2008

Time For The Male Ego To Step Aside

Shaun Tait has given up Cricket indefinitely after claiming mental, emotional and physical exhaustion. Team-mates and friends are claiming to be surprised because he showed no sign of being exhausted.

This reaction, however, does not surprise me. Us blokes generally would prefer anything to avoid admitting that we aren’t coping so well with a situation. Doing so admits to being less of a man. Thankfuly organisations such as Beyond Blue this stigma is being broken down. However, by the time the problem does get some acknowledgment it is too far-gone that drastic measures need to be taken, in this case it is quitting a professional sport.

So how far before we should ask for help? Why does the male ego get in the way to the detriment of our health?


Anonymous said...

We are not girls Tim.

We don't need a shoulder to cry on when we stub our toe.

Suck it up and get on with your real responsibilities.

Tim Haynes said...

Brendon, you have proven that you don't get it. You're part of the problem, not the solution.