Saturday, November 01, 2008

Media Loves A Crisis

Ever noticed how every problem, big or small, is referred to as a “crisis” by all our news agencies?

Mortgage Crisis
USA stuffing it up for the rest of the world pretty much by giving people credit who had no means of repaying. I heard them called NINJA loans by former treasurer, Peter Costello. NINJA: No INcome, Job or Assets

Credit Crisis
Possibly a different name for the mortgage crisis. The media loves a crisis so much that they would come up with two names to describe the same thing.

Global Financial Crisis
Yes, same again. Although this refers to effect the mortgage crisis and the credit crisis are having on a worldwide scale.

Rental Crisis
Rental prices skyrocketed due to a lack of supply. City properties were virtually being auctioned off to the person who can get the most cash available in the shortest time. However, during the same time I noticed a few properties out my way that struggled for someone to lease.

Housing Crisis
Similar to rental crisis. Low supply meant that prices were high. This inspired PM Rudd to consider some housing schemes. Haven’t heard anything since the proposal.

Education Crisis
We should be getting smarter yet something isn’t working in our schools. Some might say it’s a lack of funding from the government. But perhaps it’s the “lefty” ideology that has taken over much of our school’s curriculum.

Health Crisis
Through great advances in technology we are living longer. Hence our hospitals are filled with old people hanging on to life. As soon as one is discharged another is waiting to fill their place. Elective surgery has ridiculously long waiting lists with no appearances of shortening. Debate is still rife about the effect of the changes in the Medicare levy. Anything that makes more people rely on the already overstretched state health system has got to be a bad thing.

Environmental Crisis
All the beat up about global warming keeps gaining momentum. Actually it seems to be called ‘climate change’ now that we are having some extremely cold temperatures. It's interesting to see how it is being sold to the general public and to business groups.

Confidence Crisis
This one was funny the first time I heard it. It was suggesting that due to the mortgage crisis, credit crisis and the global financial crisis we have a “crisis of confidence” that had to be rectified for our economy to avoid a slide into recession.

Dental Crisis
Apparently our dental health isn’t going too well either.


Anonymous said...

all these crisies make me wish australia had some loser gun laws like the usa then we could protect ourselves from them

Anonymous said...

Does Dave mean "loser" or "looser"? And does the "them" refer to crisies, or Americans?

Anonymous said...


lefty ideologies is a bit strong isn't it? There's an education "crisis" because, like you say, it makes sexy news. And teachers don't get paid enough, which leads to a decline in public respect - too long have schools been society's waste paper basket. They're easy targets because everyone has been to school and thinks they know exactly what a teacher does and for how long... yet I don't know of any parent anywhere who is displeased with their local public school and the work their child's teacher does.