Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Mind Your Hypocrisy

For once, someone related to the “Bali Bombers” actually made a good point. He stated that if the three found guilty for the Bali Bombings are to be executed then so should the “Bali Nine”, the young Australians caught with masses of drugs on their person.

I don’t think there are many in this country who condone the death penalty, but if it is Indonesian law to sentence both types of offenses to death by shooting then why is it that we get all worked up about one case and not so much the other? Oh it’s because Australian’s were involved in the drug trafficking offenses. As for those dirty rats that killed all those Australian tourists, well they can die.

Now no one here at Hammer Time is condoning the death penalty. But one needs to be careful of having a double standard. One rule that applies to Australian’s and another rule to apply to foreigners. Anybody who commits a crime in Indonesia should know that there are serious repercussions. This is regardless of your own personal views on the death penalty.

So let’s not get sucked into the feeling of enjoyment at the demise of the three “Bali Bombers”. All that does is highlights our hypocrisy.


  • Bali Bombers are now obviously dead. Almost immediately Amnesty International Australia is on the 6 o'clock news proclaiming that this should signify an end to the death penalty everywhere. They don't condone the death penalty, of course, as that goes against their mission. But it seems convenient that they were silent on the issue while the Bali Bombers were on death row and only now speak out about the situation.
  • People like to get caught in the trap of comparing crimes to justify their position on the death penalty. Three Australians are still on death row for drugs possession and trafficking charges. "But they just smuggled drugs, they aren't terrorists," would be something people might say. Under Indonesian law they deserve the death penalty. So either they should be shot like the Bali Bombers, or the Bali Bombers should live the same way you want the Australian drug traffickers to live. Simple as that, there is no argument, Sin is sin is sin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, if you break the law in some ones country you should pay for the crime that you have committed.
We never here of all the other people
that have been executed in Indonesia from other Asian countries. There are many. Australian seem to think there lives are worth more. Arrogant pricks.

CB aussie in Indonesa