Friday, June 25, 2010

Making History

So, Julia Gillard has become Australia’s first female Prime Minister, and Kevin Rudd has fallen on his sword.

Much is being made of the historical occasion to have our first female PM. All except Gillard herself by the sounds of it. Graham Richardson predicted “there’s a million women ready to vote for Gillard”. Why? Because she’s good at her job, or because she’s a woman. If it’s the latter then by Richo’s prediction we have at least one million very shallow women.

Everyone was ready to bury Rudd yet now applaud Gillard as the Labor saviour. She’s so deep in Rudd’s failures she is struggling for air. She still has a lot to prove but because of this history in the making people gloss over all that.

It really doesn’t matter about gender. Is she competent? Rudd wasn’t, and Gillard contributed to that incompetence. She has already taken steps to disassociate herself from the old regime. There’s a long way to go and Abbott definitely has a challenge on his hands. It will be fun to watch.


Anonymous said...

Women aren't shallow Tim, women are smart. Julia is smart, very smart. Labour will win the next election because of this inspiring politican.

matt said...

Dear 'Anonymous':
re "Women aren't shallow Tim, women are smart."

Please read the blog properly before responding to a statement that wasn't actually made...

Tim Haynes said...

Thanks Matt, amazing how people make such statements anonymously as well.

Women are fantastic! I'm not convinced that Julia is though.

But if you choose to vote for you local Labor (correct spelling) member based on her supposed fantastic leadership then you go for it. Just don't vote that way because she was a woman. If you read again you will realise that is what I wrote.

Elise Corless said...

"She was a woman"? Has something changed? Actually, I don't really want to know.

Sorry Tim.

On topic, I think wha tit may do is get the disillusioned labor voters back form the greens, so long as she makes noises about the environment...