Thursday, November 11, 2010

God’s Undertaker?

“God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?”
by Dr John Lennox

Has science buried God? The subtitle of the book and the question Lennox dedicates over 200 pages to answer.

This one was hard to read. At one stage I considered putting it down for eternity. What I thought was mainly a work of apologetics I discovered was a work of scientific discussion.

This book is not for the faint hearted though. Some of the scientific concepts can be tough to follow from both sides of the argument. But if you can endure the concepts you will find the main premise.

Has science buried God? Simply put the answer is NO. As if that was a surprise. Science has not and cannot bury God. Any statement to the contrary is one of philosophy and not of science.

There is so much more to the book but it will need a second read through the further grasp Lennox’s argument. Or a reading of books using simpler language.


Anonymous said...

I see you are forming and stating a view based on your reading, as well as just listing your reactions to the material.

The force is strong in you, young Skywalker.

Science cannot bury God. Quite right. This, of course, is true no matter which way you look at the question. If God is, and he is God, then the mere knowledge of men cannot bury him. If God is not, and is a figment of man's imagination, science cannot bury him any more than it can bury Harry Potter. But most important of all, science is merely a process for obtaining knowledge and as such has no power at all to bury anything. Science can't bury single Talent. It is men who attempt the burying, and they arrogantly worship science because they think it has given them the knowledge of gods. "Though they claimed to be wise, they became fools..."

If it is man attempting the burying, then how futile! God as the overlord of mankind shall not be buried if he wills it not. In the same way, the plankton shall not bury the whale if the whale wills it not.

And why all this burying. If we bury God, is he gone? If the ostrich buries her head in the sand, is she safe?


Meaghan said...

Wow - this is a very perceptive comment! The metaphors I find most helpful, Anonymous.

Indeed, it is true, Science cannot bury God. If I could add to this fine comment, although not quite so eloquently I'm afraid, that it is the case that all scientific explorations of the cosmos (both the universe and all other realms) inevitably trace to a starting point. The difference between those who use Science to 'bury' God and those who don't, is usually that those who don't take the scientific process to its fullest measure, as should be done, and find the wonders of the Almighty. Those who do do the 'burying' prefer to stop at various uncomfortable crossroads and make up the remainder of the journey, breezily explaining away the remainder of the road that lies before them. I only need mention Climategate as an example.

My final question is, what are these pseudo-scientists so worried about in their undying quest to 'bury' God? (Matt 6:27)