Wednesday, December 01, 2010

A Banning Misses The Point

Have a think about personal responsibility the next time there is a call for widespread banning of a product or activity. Usually the banning glosses over the underlying issues. Instead it’s an acknowledgement that society has gone too far in a certain direction. But instead of us individually acknowledging our misgivings and changing our behaviours we call for the government to rescue us with a ban. This is no more than a bandaid solution. Or merely revenue raising plan in the case of the Alco pops tax and others like it.

The govt wants to be seen to be doing something, and seen doing something now. Changing general public attitudes is too hard, especially when they have accepted or promoted a level of antisocial behaviour for so long. Instead, to keep up appearances a ban on things like violent video games and special taxes on alcohol, cigarettes and gambling are put into legislation.

It’s just a band aid that will have little or no long term effect.


Danny Haynes said...

Some people like to be slaves.

Meaghan said...

I wonder, has everyone forgotten the form and function of the police force? Perhaps, with their distinct lack of presence about the country. The formula is simpler than the Government supposes (this Government that prides itself on spending copious amounts of money on 'feasibility studies', which are really marvellous time-buyers and wasters). Have police out there, monitoring. Small misdemeanours, significant crimes, the whole gamut. Society needs to re-learn that not stopping at a 'Stop' sign, and engaging in a drunken brawl stem from the same brazen mindset, and both are punishable offenses. 'Oh but I wasn't doing anything wrong, Officer!'