Friday, July 22, 2011

Immaturity In All Sizes

Saw a child throwing a tantrum in a shop this week. Nothing odd about it. A three year old trying to manipulate a parent into buying a toy she had spotted and impulsively wanted, right now.

You expect that from little children. Their brains are just starting to develop. Was pleased to see the parents not give in to the whims of a three year old.

Strangely, I was reminded about a recent incident at a Sydney hospital. One involving a “mature” adult.

Ambulance was called to a lady with a headache, arrived to find the lady lying on the floor very close to a raging gas fire. We found out that she had already been to hospital that day for a fever and had received appropriate treatment.

A patient in such a condition usually has to wait for a little while. There was nothing acute going on plus she had already been given treatment. Lying in front of the fire probably eradicated any gains made by antibiotics.

Despite this, and the relatively short wait she was about to face, 10 mins later her sons behaved abhorrently. Much worse than the little girl in the shop.

They abused and threatened hospital staff. Had them scared for their safety. All because his mother had to wait a short period. They impulsively want a bed right now. This was their form of the three year old tantrum. Only this tantrum involved a lot of swearing. They left for another hospital and ended up waiting for a longer period.

Childish. Immature. Yet not an immature child.

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