Sunday, July 31, 2011

Stupid Ads

I'm noticing a theme in advertising where ads are showing blokes as stupid.

Can’t blame the companies though. They are subjects to the market research they pay for.

Still, I’m not going to be drawn to a product that advertises in such a way. Some examples
  • GIO – the bloke appears so worried that he made a mistake with his insurance cover. The wide shot shows he is sitting in a flooded lounge room while the woman is calmly making an origami swan.
  • Fantastic Furniture – a woman shows off all the furniture she has acquired to a girlfriend. In the bedroom out comes a man looking as daggy as possible slurping spillled cereal off his t-shirt. To the disdained looks of both women
  • Glade – woman puts a glade air freshener in the lounge room. Man does a little dance to try and set it off again. Woman walks in and pushes the boost button with an air of superiority.

There are so many, you won’t be getting my money. Perhaps I just watch too much television.

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