Monday, September 24, 2012

Blowing False Trumpet

Greens member of the NSW Legislative Council, David Shoebridge, vented his feelings about the competitive unionism in a recent mass email.  He feels he has saved NSW from a savage beast.  I feel he may have a tendency to exaggerate.

Barry O’Farrell introduced legislation for competitive unionism.  In essence it gives the workers the ability to choose their own union representation.  Shoebridge has labelled this an “attack on working people”.  It’s actually giving workers a freedom they have never had.  Shoebridge feels such legislation will “undermine union solidarity”.  Yet it’s unions that are undermining themselves with their corruption, grooming of Labor MP’s, selfishness, self-righteousness and arrogance.

According to Shoebridge, enterprise bargaining agreements will be a “free for all” as unions go “head to head” against employers.  But if unions actually had the best interests of their members at heart then surely they would be able to work together.  So much member dissatisfaction has stemmed from unions forgetting their actual job and purpose for existing.  Instead of positioning for Labor pre selection they should have been looking after their members’ interests.  If they had done that all along I doubt whether this legislation would have been introduced to parliament.

Shoebridge attacks O’Farrell for reducing the coverage for workers compensation.  What he neglects to mention is that the coverage for workers compensation was far too broad and included much that was unnecessary.  Shoebridge would make out that all of what used to be included was an entitlement when it is nothing but a privilege.  One the state govt can no longer afford due to left wing reckless spending.

According to Shoebridge free market thinkers are blind, dictatorial and divisive.  This is despite much evidence existing that suggests the free market is a very efficient way of improving people’s circumstances.  But Shoebridge doesn’t want you to think for yourself.  He’s more intelligent than you, according to him.  He doesn’t want you choosing your own union.  According to him we don’t know what is best for us. We are apparently lucky to have Greens parliamentarians at various levels of government to tell us what is best for us.

Where do they get off claiming the moral high ground when all they want to do is control our lives and tell us how we ought to be living it.  If anyone is blind it is the left, as they don’t ever see the ramifications of their plans.  They are too idealistic that reality need not enter their thinking.

David Shoebridge, on behalf of the Greens, is claiming to have been part of a successful campaign to amend O’Farrell’s bill to only apply to Paramedics and junior doctors.  Reality is that he has affected a potentially very productive bill.

Shoebridge talks ad nauseum about ‘rights’ of workers, yet he is robbing workers of a very important freedom.  He needs to get out of workers lives, as only we know what is best for us.  David Shoebridge has no idea.

1 comment:

LB said...

Make unions compete? Great idea! I can choose who represents me in a court or a tribunal. I can even choose to represent myself. Why is it not the same for enterprise bargaining?

What about professional enterprise bargaining consultants? I pay them a fee and they sort out my industrial representation and help with legal costs, if needs be. They'd do a better job than my self-interested professional association.

Go Barry! Boo David.