Friday, November 23, 2012


Finally watched the episode of 'Q and A' featuring Peter Jenson, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney.  I had been told previously that Jenson performed well particularly as he was under fire frequently from outspoken writer and comedian, Catherine Devany.

Peter Jenson was indeed classy.  He was very considered in his answering of questions on rather touchy topics such as 'marriage equality', meaning of submission, asylum seekers and health of homosexuals.  All he wanted was for people to be able to civilly discuss these issues without being shouted down.  It's a fair request.

But in typical 'Q and A' style there was one who was the antithesis to Jenson's class and respectfulness.  I'm referring to Catherine Devany.  She was classless, brash, disrespectful, discourteous and mannerless.  She has a harsh voice to which it is difficult to listen.  She interrupted frequently, which was just plane rude.

No mention yet about what she actually said.  But if someone is going to behave in such a manner then what she says essentially becomes irrelevant.   Her actions are saying enough.

Although Devany's view on marriage as "a mistake I think everyone should be allowed to make" leads one to wonder who it was who hurt Catherine so much earlier in her life.  She is just so angry, something must have happened.

Jenson stated his view very well.  He was calm and considered, especially when explaining the biblical meaning of submission in marriage.  Yet Devany interrupted rudely and labelled the notion misogynist, archaic and medieval.

On the health of homosexuals, Jenson requested a civil discussion of bringing out facts about the issue.  Facts are in dispute as to whether or not homosexuals have a lower life expectancy, and if so, why?  He was very open though clear on his doctrine.  He welcomed discussion. 

Devany on the other hand is closed minded.  She claimed the church was intolerant.  Yet based on her performance on this night one wonders where the intolerance truly lies.

1 comment:

LB said...

It is very simple. Jensen displayed the fruit of the spirit. Devany displayed the fruit of the flesh.

Tolerance is a very important Christian value. We do not tolerate things we love. Tolerance is not an expression of favour, it is a restraint of hatred. We tolerate things we would rather hate. Christians would rather hate people who speak evil of the Lord and advocate sin. But we tolerate them.

Tolerance is not the same as affirmation. Christians tolerate Devany, but we strongly disagree with her, and criticise her views vigorously. Devany does not tolerate Christians, attacking them mercilessly.