Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The New Tolerance

The “New Tolerance” is a book by Josh McDowell and Bob Hostetler. The “New Tolerance” is a concept that has been in existence for a long time but is so subtle that it might not have been noticed. In a nutshell the book explains that: Christianity believes in the absolute truth, this is perceived as intolerant (by the “new tolerance”) which results in intolerance towards Christianity.

Evidence of this:
  • Continual acceptance of alternative lifestyles eg homosexual ministers
  • Increased political correctness i.e. not showing nativity scenes at Christmas as it may offend non Christians
  • Discrimination laws favouring ethnic and religious minorities, in effect discriminating against the majority
  • You may remember the Green private members bill to stop Christian schools from selecting their teachers based on their Christianity, and therefore discriminate against non-Christian teachers.

Contrasting definitions of tolerance

Traditional tolerance
  • A fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry (
  • The disposition to be patient and fair towards those whose opinions or practices differ from one’s own (Macquarie Dictionary)
  • Willingness and ability to tolerate (Oxford Dictionary)
New Tolerance
  • All opinions are equal. Each one has its point, and all should be respected or praised…there is no rational way to discern between them. (Savater from McDowell & Hostetler)
  • Every individual’s beliefs, values, lifestyle, and perception of truth claims are equal…There is no hierarchy of truth. Your beliefs and my beliefs are equal, and truth is relative. (Helmbock from McDowell & Hostetler)

The book gives a lot of examples in various scenarios that have actually happened, such as young children being told they can’t say grace before eating their lunch at school as it “may offend.” As I read these examples I kept thinking, “Yeh, only in America.” It couldn’t happen in Australia, but it is and will continue to unless people recognise it. I know personally that some of the new PDHPE curriculum spat out by the Dept of Education is full of “new tolerance” nonsense.

The “new tolerance” fails to recognise the difference between the person and the behaviour. Christians, I think, would be kind to the person but not necessarily agree with their lifestyle choices. The “new tolerance” says that if you don’t accept my moral judgement then you are attacking me personally.

We must be aware of the “new tolerance”. It might be happening right under our nose without us really knowing. In the schools, government and in general society. It’s scary to think about what could happen if this ideology takes over and becomes the norm.

McDowell gives some hope though, with practical methods to each problem to counter the attack of “the new tolerance.”

A very good and eye opening read. Available from Koorong or other Christian bookshops.

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