Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lacking Wisdom

Last week I became just that extra little bit dumber. No I didn’t drink myself into a stupor. I had my remaining wisdom teeth taken out, three of them to be exact. It was quite an ordeal but something that was necessary, as I’m sure all those sans wisdom teeth people will attest to.

I just started going to a new dentist in Wentworthville on the recommendation of Mum. He’s as good as I’ve ever had, mind you I have only been to two dentists that I remember.

It’s a very uncomfortable position that you are put in. All you want to do is swallow but you can’t because the anaesthetic makes your whole mouth numb. To make swallowing harder they place an apparatus in your mouth to keep your jaw ajar, but at least you don’t have to physically hold your jaw open as the procedure could take a while.

The dentist occasionally asks if you’re ok which is nice, but I’m unsure whether he is getting the positive inflection on my “uh huh.” He kept on going so I can only assume that he also holds a Masters in Linguistics along with his qualifications in Dentistry.

So if anyone has to get their wisdom teeth out, I recommend that you do not put it off any longer. As my last dentist once said to me, “Get it done while you’re still on your parents health insurance.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I want the real picture of the aftermath, not some phony stand in/ stunt double / understudy.