Friday, February 02, 2007

Auskick'n Along

This year I am embarking on a new adventure and a new challenge. Late last year I was approached to become the Auskick coordinator for my junior club. This involves taking kids (boys and girls) 7 and younger through all the skills involved in the wonderful game of Australian Rules Football. All this is done in a fun and non-competitive environment.

There has been a bit of hype about my appointment. Firstly there was the big sell to get me to accept. I was sold easily. I said I’d do it for a polo shirt and a trip to the SCG for the kids to play at half time. I’ve already been given the polo shirt. Then there was the spiel about me at the Presentation day to try and convince parents to sign up their kids. To top it off I check out their website recently and find this. Not to mention the ad in the local paper (Parramatta Sun 31/1/07).

I had coached the U/9’s many years ago and I was enthused to see most of that team still playing and winning awards at their annual presentation last year. Considering this is something I’m keen to make a career it’s probably a good opportunity to create a network with the AFL NSW/ACT.

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