Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nice Try

Put a few student activists together with a civil libertarian and usually chaos would ensue. Instead all you get is said student activists getting their wish and handing out condoms to young Catholics in town for world youth day celebrations.

What I guess they didn’t count on (for some reason) was that these Catholics might actually like the Pope and not be willing to accept anything from anyone wearing a “The Pope Is Wrong” t-shirt. On top of that there would be the fact that they would believe in sex after marriage which means they have little need for condoms, at least on this trip to Australia.

What resulted was a lot of “no thanks” to their kind gesture and a lot of rejected condoms still safely sealed in their packaging in bins or dropped on the ground.

At least that’s what was seen on the 6 o’clock news, and that’s all they wanted anyway, a bit of notoriety. Pity it somewhat backfired on them. I’m really starting to warm to World Youth Day.

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