Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Catch The Foxes

Song of Songs is an interesting book to study, but is there a relevance for singles like me to read a book targeted towards married couples? Of course there is, as statistically most will marry and what’s better than learning what a biblical marriage should look like – a man and a woman deeply in love with each other.

Mark Driscoll has done a series of talk on the Song of Songs called “The Peasant Princess”. There was one talk in particular that I found to have immense relevance to us singles in our quest for marriage. Titled ‘The Little Foxes’, in reference to the following verse:

Catch the foxes for us, the little foxes
that spoil the vineyards, for our vineyards are in blossom." (Song of Songs 2:15)

The foxes being used as a metaphor for those little things that get into a relationship to spoil them. Driscoll used this verse as a platform to point out how best to set up a biblical marriage and to avoid spoiling a relationship. He worked under the headings of Foxes, Fears and Friends.

Here’s a run down but I recommend you have a listen for yourself here.


Architecting issues

  • As in agree on a blue print
  • Have the same priorities – Jesus (grow as a Christian), be a good spouse, be a good parent, other responsibilities (e.g. employment)
  • Anything else puts a fracture in the relationship

Organising home – open or closed

Technology – switch off to spend time with family

Extended family – their involvement in conflicts, decisions and holidays

Scheduling and budgets – know each others schedules, plan a ‘date night’

Disagreements – find the best way to deal with them, give and take, understand the other person’s perspective

Annoyances – differences are interesting initially, with time they can get annoying

Attitudes – have biblical attitudes


  • Some fears are good, others are bad
  • None have to be paralysing
  • Fears should give us caution


I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the does of the field,
that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. (Song of Songs 3:5)

  • Think about who is speaking into your life, they may be a ‘little fox’
  • If single, what foxes are already in your vineyard
  • Should conduct yourself in a way that prepares you for marriage

This is by no means exhaustive. I would need to listen a couple more times to be more conclusive. I got a lot from it and I hope other singles do too.

While visiting the Mars Hill sermon podcasts why not download others that take your fancy. I recommend the ‘Proverbs’ and ‘Trial’ series. There are so many to choose from.

1 comment:

Alison said...

wow. only a third of the way through listening/watching (too hard with the girls), but so far really impressed. what a great message! and a great summary you've put together. more succinct than the prepare course and covers more ground, love the way he ties in all the biblical passages and highlights the importance of Jesus being at the centre. He's a very gifted preacher.
