Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dumbed Down

GPS units are taking over from street directories. So much so that street directory manufacturers are losing sales and may in fact shut up shop.

I hope this doesn’t result in the creation of a dumber generation that is ever reliant on technology. Technology has a knack of failing enough to require a back up

Map reading is an important skill and everyone should have knowledge of it and not be so reliant on a GPS. People seem very willing to have no idea where to go and blindly follow where the GPS is taking them.

I have enjoyed the benefits of having a GPS but they aren’t the be all and end all. Nothing beats having local knowledge and seeing the general layout of a journey.

A GPS doesn’t always take you the best way, and you don’t realise you’re not going the best way until you are at your destination, or until you check your journey in a street directory.

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