Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Responsible Spending Gets You Nowhere

With all this reckless spending and massive debt accumulation going on it is frustrating to hear plans for saving money, spending responsibly and prioritising being ridiculed by Gillard and her cronies.

After all, if this government were a business it would have gone into receivership by now.

If you believe Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott wants to go back to “the dark ages” of the internet by his opposing of the national broadband network. In reality he has another plan to avoid spending $43 billion that we haven’t got. That’s billion with a B. It’s just not a priority. There are numerous examples along the same theme.

If you were to talk to a financial planner they would tell you to get rid of debt as a priority and to change spending habits. But such responsible money management does not win votes in an election campaign. The general public seems primarily interested in what they can out of a government with their short-term thinking and long term ignorance.

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