Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chef Dreams

Masterchef has been an enjoyable show to watch over many years.  Their culinary achievements as amateur chefs have been spectacular.  As the show continues season after season the boundaries of possibility just keep shifting.  Contestants keep getting better now they know the level of knowledge and skill that will be required to win.

Masterchef has become a platform for people to follow their dreams to have a career in cooking.  Yet it’s interesting to find that none of the contestants had started to pursue this dream outside of masterchef.  This is despite having obvious skill and aptitude to do just that.

Many contestants had been working in different fields of employment for many years.  They’ve had children.  Cooking became their hobby.  A few were just beginning tertiary education and training in alternate professions. 

I understand most situations.  Life takes over and our personal dreams take a back seat.  Hence applying for Masterchef.  But for many other contestants one is left wondering why they began pursuing another career direction when they had this dream for so long.  Surely applying to a hospitality school or an apprentice chef would have been wise.  I wonder whether through Masterchef they are trying to skip the training stage and go straight to celebrity chef or successful business.

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