Monday, July 16, 2012

Union Propaganda

Workchoices is a dirty word.  What started as a reform policy that had its good points became fodder for unions to slam any further workplace reform.  Therefore unions are quick to label any new policy as workchoices all over again.

Pauls Howes did, in his recent opinion piece in the Sunday Telegraph (15/7/12).

“Workchoices” was mentioned a total of nine times.  Quite a lot considering the relatively small article.  Perhaps it’s out of desperation.  Unions have become less relevant in the workplace and membership is on the decline.  Perhaps he’s feeling threatened that his power base might be taken away.  So it’s time to bring out the slander.

When it comes to slander Howes goes further than just mentioning ‘workchoices’ ad nauseum.  Howes proclaims the coalition as the enemy of the worker, “there’s nothing they like better than slashing wages and conditions, it’s almost pathological”.  Really Paul?  Really?  I suspect he knows it’s not true but it’s in his best interests to mislead.

Howes wants Abbott to outline his policies instead of giving “coded messages”.  Even though an election hasn’t been called.  Howes definitely wouldn’t advocate an early election, as he can see the writing on the wall.  An opposition leader doesn’t have to outline anything until there is an election. 

Howes talks about “rights” and “entitlements”.  No such thing Paul.  There is no right to employment.  We are privileged to be employed.  Privileged to be earning an income.  Privileged to live in a prosperous, democratic nation.  Describing privileges as rights and entitlements takes away what makes them special.

‘Scare campaign’ is an interesting term.  One thing that is for sure is that Labor and the unions are masters of the scare campaign.  They are good at it. ‘Workchoices’ was a prime example.  So when they claim that the coalition are scare mongering they are in fact doing so themselves but in the name of the opposition.  They are so devilishly clever.

Look into their motives for making such claims against Abbott and see the vested interests they have in keeping things the way they are.  It makes for interesting viewing.

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