Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Keep Telling Yourself That

Sometimes people lie so much that it becomes reality to them.  Greg Combet seems like one such example in a recent opinion piece for The Daily Telegraph.

In it Combet follows the typical Labor mantra of berating Abbott for doing exactly what they are doing themselves.  That is, pulling stunts in an attempt to score political points.  Ironically, Abbott’s stunts are puny compared to attempts by Labor past and present to score political points.

Combet has the ultimate straw man argument.  He intimates that because the world didn’t end on July 1, when the carbon tax was implemented, that their actions were justified.  Except no one said that the world was going to end on July 1.  The only people who are saying that are doing so to put words in the mouths of their opponents in an effort to make them look stupid.

Meanwhile, Combet will continue to sell the lie now that he believes it not to be a lie even though it is still a lie implemented based on a lie to the Australian people.  No amount of overinflating the carbon tax’s success will change that fact.

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