Monday, July 10, 2006

Bad Boots…. Not Meant For Skiing

A tip for young players that has come from painful experience. If you are choosing to go on a skiing expedition this Winter I recommend you take your time in selecting your gear, whether you are hiring or purchasing (especially if purchasing). In particular, the ski boots must be comfortable. I put on the pair given to me by the bloke at the ski hire store and didn’t really get a feel for them. If I had, I may not have experienced what happened the following day.

After half a day of skiing, my feet were starting to ache. I didn’t think this was anything strange at the time as I get aching feet doing ice-skating as well with no repercussions. This was until I took my boot off at lunchtime. To my surprise the arch of my foot, just below the ankle, had grown an egg. It was hard to put my boot back on and therefore I struggled to walk. Needless to say that skiing was out of the question, I was done for the weekend.

So unless you want to be reading the paper in the cafeteria, then I suggest careful consideration when trying on ski gear.

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