Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Oranges for Suckers??

An AIS dietician this week has proclaimed that kids should no longer have oranges at half time of their sport. Instead the humble orange should be replaced with glucose lollies (such as red frogs) as well as sports drinks.

I think this dietician has forgotten that they deal with elite athletes and not junior athletes. I would seriously doubt whether they have children of their own, because I’m sure any parent will tell you stories of bad behaviour once they are hyped up of lollies.

I believe they are being irresponsible to suggest such a thing. Children playing sport should be encouraged to have fun, not shown the ways to get every slight advantage over your opponent.

They only real thing kids need at half time is water, and lots of it, especially on the warmer days. None of us really need to have sports drinks. These were made for elite athletes. Water is all we need as well.

I speak with some knowledge, having completed a Health Science degree. But doesn’t it all just sound like common sense?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man does not live on sports drink alone, but on every word that comes from The Lord