Wednesday, August 09, 2006

C’mon Blokes

I have started doing (again) what I think all blokes should learn to do at some stage, social dancing. I went for the first time to Nuroc about 2 years ago. Nuroc is like a modern jive style of dance. More details on what they do can be found on their website. They even have a large range of merchandise.

I have to admit that when I went for the first time I had to be dragged along. I was very apprehensive about dancing, pretty self-conscious. Dancing just wasn’t something blokes did was my general thought.

Well I’ve got a message for blokes that think like that. There are plenty of blokes that attend and all of them are straight blokes too, as far as I can tell. Most blokes actually come with their partners.

You do get to be masculine when doing this dance, as the blokes have to be the leaders. Look out for girls that want to lead as they will lead you astray. I believe that most of the girls that attend enjoy having a strong lead.

If you want you can stay with the one person to learn the routine, otherwise it is usually the ladies that move along the lines and swap dancing partners.

So break down your own gender stereotype and give it a go. I think you will be pleasantly surprised, I was.


Prisca said...

Good on you Tim!
Glad to see you plugging dancing and guys taking the lead on the dance floor.

Anonymous said...

It's always great to see guys (& girls) stepping out of their comfort zones. It is very easy to pick up a few basic steps & look like a pro on the dance floor, not to mention how much fun it is to do it as well.