Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Some Stupidity Just Baffles Me

Some teenage old girls in Bathurst apparently bored and lacking inspiration to do something constructive, instead, decide to desecrate the war memorial in their hometown. This on the eve of ANZAC Day, hours before the traditional dawn service. Obviously the local diggers were appalled and devastated when they found out what had occurred overnight. What saved them from further disappointment and would have made them proud were the multiple community groups including the Fire Brigade, Army and some locals who worked together to clean up the mess before dawn.

All the girls were caught because, wait for it, they were found nearby walking along the street still covered in paint. They should be locked up for stupidity. Unfortunately though they are all juveniles so nothing major will happen to them.

What I would like to see is have them locked in a classroom for a vigorous history lesson. These girls are taking their ‘freedoms’ for granted in their acts. Freedoms that we wouldn’t have had if it weren’t for the men and women who served our country in wars of days gone by. These girls are well within their right not to like war, however their freedom of speech ended once they opened up the paint tin.

War is never pretty and a lot of Australian lives were affected in the aftermath of two massive wars in the 20th Century. War is part of our history whether you like it or not. Yet we are not celebrating wars, rather we are honouring those lives lost in war and those who made it home.


Unknown said...

Well said Tim. Do these people think anyone will gain by doing this? Do they think their cause is served? They totally misunderstand. Its OK to be against war, but why don't they converse inteligently with others. Perhaps asking some diggers a few questions about their experience would be a great start.

Tim Haynes said...

Not to mention all the water wasted in the clean up. These girls are also environmental vandals.