Thursday, May 10, 2007

Vote Buy Back Scheme

For twelve years Peter Costello has been producing budgets. He started slow by trying to decrease the debt accrued by the Keating Government. But generally speaking they have been positive budgets full of spending in various areas. Of course whatever areas they decide to spend in we hear the same bleating, “it’s a good start but it could go further.” To these people what is given will never be enough.

Once again we have a huge budget surplus and Treasurer Costello stands up to tell Australia how he will spend it. However, there is one thing different this year and it isn’t that we have a budget surplus or that the Treasurer will spend it in various areas.

That’s right, we have an election at the end of the year so the well performing treasurer and the government is being accused of “buying votes.” Nothing is different to any of his other surplus budgets in this term in office but because of the election all of a sudden his agenda has done an about face.

Labor are clutching at straws and to insult a government for spending the surplus they created through sound economic policy is rather petulant. It will be interesting to see how Rudd plays it in his customary budget response.


Anonymous said...

Tim, arent you a qualified teacher, what's with the anti-labor stuff? Where is the liberal govt education budget sitting?
Down the toilet with a push to move all students into private education so the govt can withdraw all funding.

Tim Haynes said...

A few points Anonymous (if that is your real name).

1. Yes I am a qualified teacher. This doesn't mean I must support the govt system or the bureaucracy involved.

2. You are getting your federal and state mixed up. State govts fund state schools. Any moans about funding, send them to the state govt

3. No education budget from Costello, you mustn't have been paying attention. What about $5000 grants to teachers who wish to enhance their professional development at summer school? Or how about vouchers for students who need outside school tutoring?

See the big picture before labeling me as one-sided.