Friday, November 23, 2007

Kyoto Hang Ups

The issue of the Kyoto agreement and whether to ratify it or not is baffling.

What is Kyoto and why is it such a big deal?

Mmm, a piece of paper with some signatures on it. It is, however, without the signature of Australia and many of it’s economic competitors. Competitors who just happen to be the biggest polluters in the world.

What is the importance of it being signed?

Pure symbolism it appears to me. I haven't heard of any punishment for not meeting targets. It's a goal without any affirmative action

Can’t we move on without it?

Well, we can but some people choose not to.

People seem unable to move on with helping to form environmental policy unless it is signed. China didn’t sign it, and I learnt recently that if they had signed then John Howard would have signed. So how come there hasn’t been a big deal made of china and their non-signature?

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