Thursday, November 01, 2007

My “Non-Obvious US Cities To Tour” Tour

When informing people of my various destinations on The Convicts tour one stood out as strange. Louisville, Kentucky was to be the venue for the US Footy National Championships yet when people hear it their response was usually, “Why are you going there?” This was a very reasonable thing to say, as I would have thought it myself.

What I found though was that there is a surprisingly large amount of stuff to do in Louisville. Problem is that there is no chance that an organised tour would ever travel through places like Louisville. For starters, you can only fly in via Chicago. Tours are more likely to pass through our other destinations, such as: New York, Washington DC, Las Vegas and Las Angeles.

Based on my experiences in Louisville I am proposing a tour with the working title written above. it may never happen because it would be somewhat of a logistical nightmare and would need a lot of preparation and research which might be why I’m starting early.

First step is to come up with a list of cities that don’t get all the kudos as cities tourists would go to. Louisville is definitely on the list. What else? Perhaps Pittsburgh, PN and Dallas, TX. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Alison said...

Texas is an interesting place. I've never really had any burning desire to travel the world either - as you say travel for a specific purpose is the sort of travel I'd rather do. I went to Texas about 10 years ago to visit a friend who'd stayed at our place and done mission at our church. While I was there got to visit her church and do a kids talk at another church, which was a very interesting experience, different to our small sunday school! I enjoyed seeing life in another part of the world... Though I did put on 6 kilos in 6 weeks from all the huge meals and litres of soft drink I had at every meal.