Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why Do They Smoke?

Picture this:

I attend to a patient complaining of shortness of breath. After attaining a history I discover they have chronic emphysema due to a lifetime of smoking. Sympathy for patient immediately declines.

As it is my job I transport the patient to hospital. I handover to a nurse that was earlier having a smoke in the ambulance bay.

Patient now comfortable on a hospital bed while my colleague is smoking with other nurses from the emergency department.

It’s an all too common sight. You would think they know better.


Sarah L said...

I agree with you Tim! I do not understand HealthCare workers who smoke... yes, you'd think they'd know better...."

Brendon E said...

smoking... proof that evolution is a mental as well as a physical process. survival of the smartest!

K said...

It is a challenge to compassion. But that's the way health is structured in Australia. We don't have to earn to right to access. I agree that smoking is not a wise choice, but I've never met a smoker who didn't wish they could quit.