Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Books on the Job

Having recently gotten into reading like never before I wanted to make the most of every spare moment to eat through my large to read collection. This led to me choosing books not on their content but rather their size and thickness. They had to be the right size to fit snugly into the side pocket of my work pants and not impede me during work. That way when stuck in bed block (at Westmead it’s an all too frequent occurrence) I would whip it out and get through a few pages at a time. Of course these books are not heavy with intellectual content. I would be reading them at all if that were the case, regardless of thickness.

It started with some books that I specifically wanted to read. Notably ‘The Dawkins Letters’, ‘God Reality’ and ‘The Dawkins Delusion’.

This led other books that I had forgotten were in my possession. Perhaps they were too thin and small to notice languishing on my bookshelves. I started with a series of books by Mark Driscoll called, ‘A book you would actually read on….’. Then came ‘Hell Island’ ‘The Third Anglosphere Century’ and Sein Language, most of these have received a post. It is a broad array of books that keeps the reading interesting.

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