Thursday, May 25, 2006

Aboriginal Agenda

I heard Senator Barnaby Joyce on the radio this afternoon as I was driving home. He was talking about the problems in Aboriginal communities. He has an idea of encouraging mission groups to go “back into the area” (I didn’t know they were there in the first place let alone gone). This, he predicts, will teach some “social mores” to overcome the culture of child molestation and substance abuse. It’s a shame that, and Joyce acknowledged this himself, that this sort of plan would be shouted down as “politically incorrect.” Apparently when mission groups were in these communities there were far less issues. I’d be interested if someone knows more facts about the situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly know something what that is i am yet to decide... But the reason why this idea might get shouted down is that the indigenous community themselves should decide what interventions take place in their own communties. Paternalism (which is what this plan is) is the reason why we need reconciliation in the first place. What reconciliation means is for white and black Australia to own their own mistakes not to fix problems. By the way liberal politicians love to divide, implicitly in Joyce's statement was there a problem and a solution which ruffly equates to black and white if you get my drift