Monday, November 13, 2006

Fashion Beefs

Under the footy crazed veneer is a fashion critic. I’m not too sure what made me think I could comment on fashion. I think it was Trinny & Susannah’s “What Not To Wear” which is made in the UK by the BBC and then syndicated to cable stations such as the Lifestyle channel in Australia. They have formed quite a following about telling (mainly) women bluntly why their clothes make them look bad. In each episode they get their victim to handover their entire wardrobe and they then critique everything and point out where they have been going wrong. It shouldn’t be surprising that there are some tears, you know how emotional women can get. In the end they have an entire new wardrobe of funky clothes that make them look classy and sophisticated and at the same time have boosted their self-esteem.

Watching this program you learn some very simple rules that will no doubt make shopping for clothes with a female more comfortable and I won’t have to be so conscious of saying the right thing, instead I can say what I think, using just a little discretion.

Some Simple Rules
  • Don’t mix patterns – instead go for plains and patterns with similar colours
  • Bright colours with black cheapens the colour and makes you look tacky
  • Dress your age – this is the best way to look younger
  • Know your body shape and dress accordingly
  • Only one statement piece at a time
I also like to rave on massive fashion mistakes that I see perpetrated by females across this great country, hence the title “fashion beefs.” I think I have developed a fashion catchcry of, “fashionable and practical.” Meaning that clothing that is fashionable should have a practical purpose and be comfortable. For example, I have noticed a lot of girls wearing shorts instead of skirts, fashionable and practical. There can’t be anything more comfortable than shorts in the summer months.

My Top 5 of fashion mistakes include:
  1. The ‘Muffin Top’
  2. Ugg boots with mini skirts or scarves with tank tops
  3. Ugg boots worn among the general public
  4. Visible underwear
  5. Skimpy clothes in the middle of winter


Anonymous said...

Not that I want to argue or anything but does no one else see the sexism in only girls being pointed out for their fashion faux pas? I can't say that boys from western sydney are exactly known for their fasion sense. where's their serve? and beer bellies are probably the male equivalent of a muffin top. and i know a few western sydney-ites who have one of those!

Tim Haynes said...

Of course blokes make fashion faux pas as well, but that could fill a whole new blog. The fact is that I was referring to a show that pointed out females fashion mistakes, "What Not to Wear."

As for male beer bellies (muffin tops), I know they are unsightly at the best of times but I've never seen one uncovered with a midriff top and pushed up by tight hipsters like the girls choose to wear.

But yes, I get your point about fashion faux pas for blokes and I will take the suggestion to management.

Anonymous said...

But why should your idea of what is right and wrong in the fashion stakes dictate what everyone else wears? Some people find expression in their clothing. Even if I don't believe in their expression, e.g. freezing in winter for the sake of showing skin, doesn't make it a "mistake". We all are allowed to express ourselves through clothing, however that may be (within the law, of course). I don't appreciate plaid, but I don't stop boys I know from wearing it. I'm not a fan of boys wearing pink, but i'm not about to stop them from doing that or refer to it as a mistake. Skinny jeans and boys - not for me! But, hey, if you feel comfortable, go for it! Let them eat cake (or muffins)!

Tim Haynes said...

Finding "expression in their clothing" is an interesting concept to me. I think alot of people would say they are just expressing themselves when in reality they look like a cheap hooker. While some others are able to follow some basic style rules yet still be different. Expressing yourself or not, there's a void between looking classy and looking tacky.