Sunday, November 19, 2006


Mol-ly-cod-dle [mol-ee-kod-l]

A person, especially a man or boy, who is being pampered or over protected

To be overprotective and indulgent towards

I used to think this was a word made up by mum when I was a child. Surprised was I to find that it actually had a dictionary definition. Excited was I to find that it could actually be applied to something very relevant.

You see, the Teachers Federation is promoting a no comment approach and no grading philosophy to teaching. Both of which I believe will mollycoddle our next generation and turn them into social misfits, or milksops (another interesting word I found when looking up mollycoddle).

No Grades
This is referring to A – E grades. The Teachers Fed believes that this sort of labelling of a student diminishes their self-esteem. But so does telling them that they’re doing ok then they finally realise they don’t cut it in the big bad world.

No Comments
As far as I know the Teacher’s Fed only wants its primary teachers to comment on numeracy and literacy, and not all the other subjects that they have to teach. It’s part of the job to fill in paperwork and parents expect it to be done well. This is not a dictatorship, the consumer of this product is the parents. If they want comments, give them comments, simple as that.

If they go on thinking that they will be eased through all of life then they will be severely mistaken. The Teacher’s Federation is sacrificing real academic achievement in an effort not to harm the students self esteem. But when they leave school and realise they know nothing because they weren’t taught anything, I don’t think their self-esteem will be too high then.

As a wise man once said
Life’s Tough
Get a Helmet

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