Monday, March 19, 2007

The Green Monster

The Greens are an interesting mob. Most of us would be led to believe that they are just advocates for the environment. However Greens MP Lee Rhiannon would have you believe that their charter was always “policies across the board” including “social and economic justice, peace and grassroots democracy.”

In recent history they have been accused of being an arm of the Labor Party, much like the Unions. This is due to their inconsistent stance on environment issues, such as the hot topic of Desal vs Recycling.

On the Ray Hadley Morning Program Lee Rhiannon MP spoke on two policies of the Greens. She sounded contradictory when describing the policies, which only led to further confusion on my part. I’m paraphrasing but this is essentially her sentiment. My response is in italics. If you think I’m wrong the Ray Hadley Podcast (14/3/07) is readily available.

Drugs Policy
  • She tried to describe the difference between legalisation and decriminalisation
  • Maybe a slight difference but you’re picking at straws telling someone they’re wrong for describing it as the other as they are virtually the same
  • She accused Police of being misdirected towards the user and not the big dealers
  • Haven’t we seen some of the biggest ever drug hauls by customs in recent history? These have led to arrests and sentences for drug criminals
  • She believes drugs should be available to users and set up parameters and support programs for abusers much like we have for alcohol and cigarettes.
  • I don’t yet see how this would work
Education Policy
  • She believes children as young as pre school age should be taught about the diversity of relationships, including those of a homosexual nature.
  • I believe most parents will tell you that they don’t want their children being taught this in schools and pre schools, as it is their responsibility. It reeks of a left wing agenda to push the tiny minority group into the mainstream. Some would have you believe that homosexuality is now the majority. These people are deluded.
  • She says that these materials are very sensitive
  • Sensitive to what is what I want to know. Sensitive to their cause? The young Minds? Or to the parents wishes?
The Political System
  • She says that preference doesn’t equate to an endorsement
  • If not an endorsement then it’s as good as because what you are saying to the public is that we prefer you vote for this mob after us because we want them to win power instead of the other mob.
I would recommend not voting for the Greens, but if you must then at least have a careful look at their policies.

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